ACQTool Client-centered


Abortion service providers, funders, and policy makers need to understand service quality from the client’s perspective, as well as a technical and safety perspective.

ACQTool Simple and effective


Easy to understand and apply, the ACQTool can be integrated into standard data collection applications.  

ACQTool global indicators


The ACQTool indicators can be used in any country, and have been tested in a wide array of contexts.

A Collaborative Effort

The ACQTool was developed through an initiative led by Metrics for Management, Ibis Reproductive Health, and Ipas, and involving an extended ACQ Resource Group of recognized abortion providers, researchers, advocates, and health services leaders. Support for this initiative was provided by the David and Lucille Packard Foundation and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation.

M4M Metrics For Management
Ibis Reproductive Health
Ipas ACQTool Partner
The David And Lucile Packard Foundation

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