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The ACQTool is the first ever global standard for measuring the quality of abortion services in low- and middle-income countries. It is a short set of indicators developed by an international panel of experts, through extensive testing, to provide an accurate assessment of the quality of abortion care an individual has received during and after their abortion experience. Critically, the ACQTool looks beyond the safety of the immediate procedure, assessing how well the client’s actual needs and values for their abortion care have been met, across seven primary domains

The ACQTool is free to use.

Data collection options

Data collection for the ACQTool can be conducted using two different methods. Electronic data collection can be performed using KoBoToolbox, while paper-based data collection can be conducted using our downloadable surveys and Stata statistical software indicator code.


Access the 29 indicators across seven domains.


Access commonly asked questions and answers.

Download the ACQTool

Access files for electronic data collection, stata indicator scoring files, and PDF and Excel versions of the surveys.


See an example of the ACQTool dashboard produced after running the analysis.

Use cases:

See hypothetical use cases. As testimonials are gathered, these will be updated with actual scenarios.

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